Weekly Idol Episode 446
Weekly Idol (Hangul: 주간 아이돌) is a South Korean variety show, which airs on MBC Every1, MBC‘s cable and satellite network for comedy and variety shows. The show is hosted by comedian Jeong Hyeong Don and rapper Defconn.
Episode 446 200212
Guest: Cho Hang-jo, Kim Yong-im, Kum Jan-di, Park Ku-yoon, Park Hye-shin, Jo Jung-min, Park Seo-jin
Remarks: Jo Se-ho and Nam Chang-hee’s last episode as hosts I’m A Trot Singer Special
Genres: Weekly IdolGD = Googledrive , UTB = Uptobox , MG = Mega , MR = Mirrorace , DF = 4downfiles , UC = Usercloud, LU = Letsupload , SF = Solidfiles
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