Running Man Episode 493
Episode 493 200308 @ TBA
Themes: Fate Bet Race: Bury and throw in double
Guest : Kang Tae-Oh (5urprise), Kim Na-Hee, Lee Na-Eun (April), Yura
GD = Googledrive , UTB = Uptobox , MG = Mega , MR = Mirrorace , DF = 4downfiles , UC = Usercloud, LU = Letsupload , SF = Solidfiles
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fixed HEVC
Kok yang HEVC filenya rusak ya? Awal-awal video item gitu kayak kaset macet.
gambarnya baru muncul di detik 8 om…apa cuma di ane doang yg kaya gitu yah?
thank you kak.. udah fast upload RM ?