Running Man Episode 474
Episode 474 191027 @ Seoul
Themes: Capture the Bullion Thief before all 100 bullion are gone
Guest : Go Min-si Hwang Bo-ra
GD = Googledrive , UTB = Uptobox , MG = Mega , MR = Mirrorace , DF = 4downfiles , UC = Usercloud, LU = Letsupload , SF = Solidfiles
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Subtitle akan di update 1 – 2 Hari setelah Realeased
Subtitle will be updated 1 – 2 days after Released
mirrorace fixed
Ada iklannya lagi di tengah2. Bbrp episode yg lalu jg gini. Mslhnya subtitle di subscene ga ada yg pas. Kecuali klo disini dipost jg link subtitle yg pas, baru ok.
mg, mr error
mirror isinya episode 473 harusnya 474
thank you 😉
mr link error 473