Perfume 4th Tour in Dome “LEVEL3”
Features “Perfume 4th Tour in Dome “LEVEL3”” held in Tokyo. This edition comes with a photo booklet and a bonus disc with bonus video footage.
Perfume 4th Tour in DOME 「LEVEL3」 [初回限定生産] / Perfume
1. Opening
2. Enter the Sphere
3. Spring of Life
4. Magic of Love
5. 1mm
6. Clockwork
7. Point (ポイント)
8. Furikaeru to Iru yo (ふりかえるといるよ; I’ll Have to Look Back)
9. Sleeping Beauty
10. Party Maker
11. Spending all my time
12. Computer City (コンピューターシティ)
13. Electro World (エレクトロ・ワールド)
14. Jenny wa Gokigen Naname (ジェニーはご機嫌ななめ; Jenny is Displeased)
15. One Room Disco (ワンルーム・ディスコ)
16. Mirai no Museum (未来のミュージアム; Museum of the Future)
17. “P.T.A.” no Corner (「P.T.A.」のコーナー)
18. Daijo Banai (だいじょばない; I’m Not Ok)
19. Polyrhythm (ポリリズム)
20. Chocolate Disco (チョコレイト・ディスコ)
22. Dream Land

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Format: MP4 H.264
Resolution: HD 720p
Type: Blu-ray Disc
Duration: 2 hours 24 minutes
Original File Size: 8.1 GB
Catalog: UPXP-9001
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