Hwajung (Compeleted)
- Drama: Hwajung
- Revised romanization: Hwajung
- Hangul: 화정
- Director: Kim Sang-Ho
- Writer: Kim Yi-Young
- Network: MBC
- Episodes: 50
- Release Date: April 13, 2015 —
- Runtime: Mondays & Tuesdays 22:00
- Language: Korean
- Country: South Korea
Video Size | : 200MB |
Video Type | : MKV 540p |
Source | : 720p LIMO |
Drama series follows the rise and fall of Princess Jeongmyeong. Princess Jeongmyeong was born to King Seongjo of the Joseon Dynasty period. After her younger brother is killed by older stepbrother, Prince Gwanghae, she falls from her position as a princess.
- “Splendid Politics” takes over the MBC Mondays & Tuesdays 21:55 time slot previously occupied by “Shine or Go Crazy“.
- Early Korean working title was “Jungmyung Gongju” (literally “Princess Jungmyung”) and then changed to “Hwaryeohan Jungchi” (literally “Splendid Politics”). The Korean title was then further shortened from “Hwaryeohan Jungchi” to “Hwajung.”
- First script reading took place February 8, 2015 at MBC Broadcasting Station in Sangam, South Korea.
Additional Cast Members:
- Park Young-Gyu – King Sunjo
- Jang Seung-Jo – Prince Jungwon
- Kim Gyu-Sun – Princess Junghye
- Kang Mun-Yeong – Kang Joo-Sun’s wife
- Yoo Seung-Mok – Yoo Hee-Boon
- Park Won-Sang – Jang Bong-Soo
- Kim Kwang-Kyu – Lee Young-Boo
- Kwak Dong-Yeon – Lee Ui-Rib
- Jo Jae-Ryong – Bang Geun
- Lee Seung-Hyeong – Lee Seo
- Hwang Young-Hee – Ok-Joo
- Baek Su-Ryeon – Soo Ryeon-Gae
- Kim Kyu-Cheol
- Kang Shin-Il
- Lee Tae-Hwan – Prince Gwanghae (young)
- Kang Chan-Hee – Ja Gyung (young)

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Kak episode 9 masih error barusan download yang di uptobox sama uc ndak bisa dibuka T__T
masa sih, nnti deh ku reupload lg.
coba pake mega sis, saya pakai mega sejauh ini aman
ep 9 yang di uc juga ngak bisa dibuka
barusan donlot eps 9 dan 10, yg 9 eror.. mohon reupload.. makasih smallencode..
donlotny yg inafile aja sh.. ga tau klo yg lain..
episode 9 kagak bisa diputer gan, udah diulang download ampe 4 sama aja…
cari link yang lain di forum IDWS sama aja …
kalau bisa di-reupload ya gan…
thank you
msh error yah? nanti di coba cek lg.