Nobody Knows Episode 16 END
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Drama: Nobody Knows (literal title)
Revised romanization: Amoodo Moreunda
Hangul: 아무도 모른다
Director: Lee Jung-Heum
Writer: Kim Eun-Hyang
Network: SBS
Episodes: 16
Release Date: March 2, 2020 —
Runtime: Monday & Tuesday 22:00-23:10
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cha Young-Jin (Kim Seo-Hyung) is a detective. She lost her friend 19 years ago to a serial killer. Cha Young-Jin still carries guilt and trauma over the death of her friend. The serial killer case then begins again after 19 years. Cha Young-Jin chases after the killer.
- “No One Knows” takes over the SBS Monday & Tuesday 22:00 time slot previously occupied by “Dr. Romantic 2” and followed by “Good Casting” April, 2020.
- Character posters and group posters for “Nobody Knows.”
Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Investigation Department
Shinsaengmyeong Church
Shinsung Middle School
Baek Sang-Ho’s group
Additional Cast Members:
Video Size | : 150/200/350MB |
Video Type | : 480/540/720P |
Source | : 720p NEXT |
GD = Googledrive , UTB = Uptobox , MG = Mega , MR = Mirrorace , DF = 4downfiles , UC = Usercloud, LU = letsupload , SF = Solidfiles
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Nobody Knows
Miin, lanjut update Yoo byeol na dong??
mohon maaf min, tag untuk dramanya sepertinya keliru (?)
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Kak klooboleh ngasih saran diketerangan dramnya dikasih genrenya kak biar gak buka wikipedia lagi buat liat genrenya. makasih
Padahal dah ada keterangan genrenya di bawah announcement
Dimananya kak? gak ada aku lihat
coba di cek lagi, tepat bagian bawah announcement ada dicantumkan genre
Dibawah kotak dialog file downloadnya sist, itu ada tulisan announcementnya ada tulisan “Genres: Detective, Drama, investigation, Mystery, Nobody Knows”
wah, akhirnya upload pagi2 lagi, semangat min!
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